Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Farewell to Pogba

Manchester United has officially acknowledged that Paul Pogba will be leaving the club when his contract expires this month. The player for who Manchester United paid a then world record transfer fee six years ago will thus move on via a free transfer. The departure ends a disappointing six year run for Pogba in his second stint with the Red Devils.

Pogba experienced success at Juventus after first leaving Manchester United in 2012 and great things were expected from the French international when he returned to the club six years ago. Things didn't work out as planned, however. Pogba continued to excel for his national team as he won a World Cup with France, but his club career stalled after helping Manchester United win the Europa League in his first year back with the club. Frequent injury was only part of the problem as three different managers would fail to get consistent performances from the midfielder. Jose Mourinho, who had hoped to rebuild Manchester United around the Frenchmen, would infamously label the underperforming star a “virus.” Pogba and Manchester United part ways for a second time with the 29-year-old having contributed a single goal in two of the last three seasons. A return to Juventus is rumored.

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